Download Free Messenger Apps for Android, iPhone, iPad, Firefox OS, Amazon, Bada, Nokia, Windows PC, Windows Phone and Blackberry. Download Whatsapp, LINE, Viber, Skype, Wechat, QQ, Tango, KakaoTalk, Hike, Nimbuzz, Duo, Android Messages, Facebook Messenger, VK Chat, Telegram,...
Messaging apps are a pretty straight forward concept. They’re apps that we can use to message our friends and family without using our smartphone’s standard SMS messaging software. All different types of people use messenger apps - from teens, to business professionals. So, what makes these apps so appealing?
Many apps are free. That’s right: free to download, free to use, and free to get rid of if you don’t want the app anymore. Some apps require a small monthly payment, however, but it’s usually less than $3 to purchase the app in question.
Messaging applications can be used to communicate with people in different countries for free or for a cheap rate. Most of the popular mesenger apps like WhatsApp and Kik allow you to message your international friends and send them photo messages, but there are other apps that can be used to place international calls such as Viber. With Viber, though, users have to earn credits before they can make calls, and even after earning their credits, the quality of Viber calls is hit or miss. Regardless, Viber and similar apps, still offer free ways to make long distance calls.
There are different types of smartphone plans and there are also different types of messaging apps- hundreds of them, even. In comparison, the sheer number of available messenger apps is much higher than the number of cell phone plans for any given country, especially seeing as most messaging apps are available for worldwide download and use.
Most of today’s messenger apps allow users the peace of mind that is knowing when and if their sent message has been read or not. This peace of mind comes in the form of a small on screen notification that simply reads “read” or “seen” in most cases. In some mesaging apps, the notification is just a check mark. Whether the notification is a word or a symbol, knowing when your message is read can be very helpful.
Messenger apps are beneficial in today’s society for many reasons, so it’s no surprise that they’re becoming popular and that people from all walks of life are ditching their SMS texting for messaging applications. Have you ever used a messaging app? Do you prefer them over regular texting? Or are they a waste of time?
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