Snapchat has introduced many new and thrilling features. The most advanced and new feature of snapchat is “Discover”, this feature has the ability to highlight the day’s most top stories and videos so that you don’t miss any new thing.
Discover feature has 12 news channels, each showing you the latest news of the day, so now every breaking news is just a click away from you, other than this feature snapchat has many cool features including “snapcash”, through this you can send money from your bank account to repay any of your debt and for this purpose you just have to link your credit card with snap chat.
You can also set this app’s privacy according to your needs through its privacy settings, this feature of snapchat allows you to stay safe and you can also block anyone if you want and create a list of people with whom you only want your stories to be shared.
Through snapchat you can send text messages, video messages and voice messages anywhere across the globe. You can have your pictures shared with your loved ones. From the feature of “snapchat stories” you can create your own story and share with your loved ones.
Another exciting feature of this app is “Filters” in this feature there are different options like front facing flash, power saving mode, replay and special text, these all thrilling features can be switched on by going into the settings. By the option of special texts you edit your picture with emoji or any other decoration.
Snap chat also allows you to draw doodles or handmade drawings which are a lot of fun. You can also see the temperature of your area and track down the speed at which you are moving. Snapchat also allows you to edit your pictures, add special effects in them to make you look more amazing. It is without a doubt one of the amazing apps by which you can have all the fun of the world around you with just a single click.